みやじまぐちの想い出shop epilo

みやじまぐちの想い出shop epilo


営業時間 平日10:00~18:00 土日祝 10:00~19:00
休み 不定休 P数台
TEL 080-3879-0016
WEB : https://epilo.net


The owner chose high quality used books in the calm space where you can forget the passage of time. Used book cafe perfect for relaxing alone. On the first floor, there is a shop and gallery where you can buy souvenirs of Hiroshima that you want to give to your friends who live far away and works of artists who are active in Hiroshima.

Business hours: Weekdays 10: 00 ~ 19: 00 Weekends 10: 00 ~ 18: 00
irregular holiday
TEL 080-3879-0016
WEB : https://epilo.net